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"How To Create Your First Digital Product & Start Making $$$ Online"

... turn your knowledge and expertise into money in the bank

Remiah Trask, Coach Launchers

This Class Reveals:

  • Secret 1: How to turn your knowledge into a digital product

  • ​Secret 2: How to create your digital product

  • Secret 3: How to sell your digital product

Only 100 Live Spots Available To Attend

(Register Now)

Thursday, August 31st 6pm CST

Monetize Your Knowledge By Following These 3 Simple Steps

Secret 1

Turn the knowledge in your head into action steps that will help your audience and customer base get a fast win with ease.

Secret 2

How to create and package your digital product into a downloadable PDF, Video or Audio file so that is easily delivered & easy to consume.

Secret 3

How to sell your digital product and start making $1K - $10K per month online just by sharing and promoting

Creating digital products isn’t only about the money. It’s about helping people. Your digital product is going to help your audience improve their life. You are making some money off it too, but it’s really an exchange of energy.

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